
Showing posts from January, 2018

Week 1B: Blogs that I Commented on

This week I commented on three blogs so far.  Gustavo Molina, Justin Rivera, and John Giger are the blogs I commented on.  Each had their own influence on how to choose their templates.  I had my own influence which tells me that we are all different in our thinking when choosing our preferences.    

Week 1A: My First Social Media Class Post

Hi I'm Mark Buxton and this is my first blog post here.  Nothing fancy just a place to type my thoughts and assignments.  I chose this template because it is simple and clean, and I like the left hand box that contains the title.  I plan to add some imagery, but I think keeping it simple provides less distraction for the reader.  I am taking this class to further my knowledge of the uses of social media to promote and market my business that I would like start in the near future.  All my work in my business is clean, simple and similar to the theme I chose here.