Week 3B: Competitors Social Media

For this class and this assignment, I will be using my future business idea to do research.  I am opening a laser cut and engraving business sign and branded items business where I’ll be manufacturing business signs made mostly from wood and some metal and plastic.  Marketed to business, we will focus on their logos and limited in scope compared to a large scale sign manufacturing company.  So I am comparing some competitors below.

1. Office Sign Company

Facebook, Google +, Pinterest, Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, You Tube

The links to Office Signs Company to all the social media is well used, and all are updated frequently.  Not one looks to go more than a week without a new post.

Last Used:
Facebook - February 10th, Google + - February 5th, Pinterest - no date, but hundreds of images posted, Twitter - February 12th, Instagram - February, 9th, YouTube -  one week ago

It is apparent the the Office Sign Company puts heavy emphasis on social media and utilizes it to the full extent.  Each platform is used frequently and well in that they post new projects and events and services they do for each client.  They use all a lot, but the most frequent looks like Twitter where they tweet just about anything the company does.

2. North Coast Signs

Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn

The links available on the North Coast Signs website are used well for Facebook and Twitter, but the Google + just links to the Google search page with their information on it.  LinkedIn goes to the login page.

Last Used:
Facebook - February 9th, Twitter - January 4th.

North Coast signs does use some social media, but mainly Facebook and they post quite often, at least every few days to a week between each.  Twitter is hit or miss with one coming in over a month ago, and another a month before that.  Facebook are posts of new projects and events they do, while Twitter is used for various information such as hiring, some advice on food and to say Merry Christmas.

3. Tinkering Monkey

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest

The links for all the social media platforms except for Tumblr were are working and up to date and are used well.  The Tumblr goes to a page with missing links.  

Last Used:
Facebook - Today, Twitter - February 10th, Instagram - Today

Facebook and Instagram are used almost daily and provide new projects completed, events, new products or silly things they are doing at the shop.  Twitter used occasionally about once a month.  The Facebook and Instagram are used well to show their work which is very visual.  Pinterest is not on the website, but they use it to drive traffic to the website with visual images to capture interest.

4. Obsessive Compulsive Designs

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, unknown icon

There are four links to social media, however only two, Facebook and Instagram are in use and able to link to the sites.

Last Used:
Facebook - November 21, 2016, Instagram - Today

Facebook hasn’t been used in about a year and half, and posts up to that point showing projects, but they notified that they had abandoned Facebook for Instagram, which does have some very recent posts, but then a couple month gap in between.  Their usage is on and off, without much consistency.

5. Kims Tree Designs

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest

All the links go directly to each site where there are updated posts frequently and look used, although not a lot of comments or likes.

Last Used:
Facebook -  February 12th, Instagram - February 12th, Twitter - only for customer posting, Pinterest -  no date but work looks current.

Facebook and Instagram are used simultaneously, when they post a picture in Instagram it makes the same post on Facebook.  It looks like Instagram is working better for it because there are 52 likes as opposed to 2 likes on Facebook.  On Pinterest, they are active making boards and pins that relate to their product or product images.  Different categories with several pictures shows they are active occasionally.  Twitter link only provides a way for a customer to Tweet out their business information and do not make Tweets themselves.

First and foremost, the main discovery and consistency from all the businesses is that Facebook is by far the most used and active from all these businesses.  Most of the information that is used on Twitter and Instagram is posted on Facebook.  Some utilize Facebook more than others, while others may have more tweets or image posts on Instagram.  Facebook seems to be the go to and easiest to post new products, events or ideas in a timeline fashion that keeps everything in order and up to date as they happen in the business.  The high usage of Facebook seems to be a no brainer way to keep people seeing and noticing new information.  

Twitter and Instagram are high up with Facebook, and sometimes even Instagram could be up there with Facebook.  Since my industry is very visual, it would make sense to utilize Instagram by displaying photos of the finished work peices, or signs in process of being made.  Pinterest as well is very visual and some of the businesses are using it in a visual way.  Although, YouTube is very visual only about two of them utilize it as a medium.  The impact of a longer time to see the finished product on YouTube may not have as much first impression affect.  While one quick photo of a finished product can do more.

To conclude, most of the businesses use Facebook and the others to post their finished work and signs to obviously show their work.  Others show the work in progress, and all show some events or non profit work they are doing in the community.  One, Tinkering monkey, use the platform to connect with customers by showing the culture and fun attitude they have by using funny videos or sayings to connect at a different level rather than just the product.  It’s like they are using it to connect the fun culture to the client.  All of it relates to their work, and the personal stuff is at a minimum.  Some add personal posts, but I think that takes away from the point of the business and product.  After viewing all the businesses, I see that I will be motivated to utilize all the platforms discussed here, and see which ones work well now that I have a better understanding how some of my competitors use social media.


  1. Thank you for sharing the information here. Its much informative and really i got some valid information.


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