Week 5A: Comparing Two Websites Markets

After reviewing both the econobum.com and justcheapdiapers.com websites, some clues indicate what their target markets are, while some are similar and some are not.  The Just Cheap Diapers website, their market is obviously parents of newborns or children that care mainly about saving money on diapers, but do not want cheap diapers.  Clearly it is for those on a budget, that can't afford regular priced diapers who seek a deal even if that quality may not be that of a regular brand.  They do claim that the diapers are quality and they are able to purchase the diapers at wholesale pricing, which they then pass the savings onto the customer.  There are no other frills or special features in the diapers other than the price.  There are no economic or green benefits, other than price and saving money.  They have a call to action for monthly diaper specials, however, the link goes to a page that says to stay in touch for upcoming deals.  Some consumers may just care about price and accept whatever diaper they provide, since diaper costs are high.

The econobum.com website also offers a price conscious diaper alternative, in that they sell reusable cloth diapers with liners.  The diapers are washable, one size fits all and adjust through the years.  Buying a couple sets equates to a huge cost savings which allows a one time cost.  They also promote that the diapers are natural unbleached 100% cotton and are environmentally friendly as they reduce waste, provide American jobs and give more money to families in various countries because of the cost savings.  The target market is again parents of babies and small children similar to cheap diapers, in that it is for the price conscious, but more importantly those that care about waste and the environment.  looking further on the website, their retailers are more boutique shops and private birthing centers and diaper service companies rather than big name retailers.  This tells me that there is a niche of environmentally conscious, parents that pride natural products over costly landfill wasting manufactured diapers.  The only calls to action are "buy now" and "where to buy" links, but none that offer any specials or discounts.  

The big differences between the websites are that one sells wasteful diapers, while the other offers less wasteful environmental options.  The crossover is that both attract price conscious customers, who may or may not care about being wasteful or not.  Just Cheap diapers has bright colors while econobum.com uses natural green colors.  Cheap diapers is bright and full of energy and excitement to save money, while the design appears cheap too.  Econobums is soft, subtle and green and making use of some natural green landscapes as in the diapers are softer and more gentle on the environment.


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