Week4B: Websites I Use Frequently

Of course one of the websites I visit very frequently is the Mira Costa College website at https://www.miracosta.edu/.  I like the website, in that it is simple and minimal on the first page, uses large and bold imagery, and easy to navigate main links at the top and more events and happening links with clean type and imagery below.  It's not the very best design, but it still is designed well and effective and has provided easy access to many features that I need.  There are some things that I do not like, the Surf portion is hard to navigate through but it appears that this section is necessarily connected to the main website.  I come back again because I have to in order to take my classes and search the library.  The Mira Costa website is so full of information, however, they have a search feature  that makes finding things so much easier and I use that frequently.  I can also view my classes and change scenarios to see how far off from attaining certain degrees.  I would improve the SURF portion of the website.  Searching for classes and other information is sometimes hard to figure out, in that the links are hidden in a tab on top and I get caught in a circle.  Otherwise, from the home page I can get to where I need to quickly and I can find more from the drop down Menu button.  

Target.com is a website that I do not shop at frequently, but my wife does.  I like the website, it is obviously professionally developed and designed.  They have high quality large photos with a lot of open copy space with bold red and dark gray headlines and calls to action.  The home page has a few sale calls to action on the right of the main graphic, which to me seems a little distracting, however, I did notice it and got my attention.  Scrolling down, one again, large images with minimal type and short headlines to help me understand what is being offered is easy to read and informs me nicely.  The target website has thousands of products, and from the home page none of that is cluttering the space.  There are only three main links, one of them called categories.  When I click on that link, the whole store comes alive where I can choose one of many categories.  after clicking on one general category, the menu instantly narrows down another category, and then another until I find what I want.  I like that feature so that I do not have to go to multiple pages to get there.  When I find what I want, it takes me directly to the products pages where I can make a purchase.  The design is clean and easy to use.  Across the top a very large and long bar I can type in a search for any product.  This is an ecommerce website, so I do not expect any ground breaking design, but the minimal look from the home page, for a store that offers thousands of products is a way to give the visitor some calm, that doesn't overwhelm the senses.  I do not see any social media links on some of the pages, especially the home page.  I would make access to those link easier and available on every page.       


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