Week 11: Email Marketing

My business Mill Works makes signs and displays for businesses, so my emails and newsletters will consist of topics that relate to businesses, branding, logos and signs that they may be interested in.  Other topics will consist of tips and suggestions for displaying signs, and ideas they can do with their logos and branding items.  Others will be special promotions or discounts, special announcement or news that I may have. 

I would send newsletters and emails about once every 2 weeks.  While Mill Works produces custom products and not products that are frequently needed, I would also not send emails frequently as to be too bothersome.  I want to provide quality content to my customers and keep items coming in as good content comes available that provides useful information.  

Possible ideas I think my customers would enjoy seeing are:
  • Tips for hanging signage
  • Places to hang signage
  • Why Signage still matters
  • Show your logo proudly
  • Required signs to have for your business
  • Ideas of what to display your logo on
  • Buy this Month and get a Free business card holder with your logo
  • Mill Works News
  • See our new Signs
These topics may interest my customers because they are related to their business in some way or provides valuable information for business owners and their logo and brands.  I want to provide useful information that they can use to benefit their business in some way.  In the Online Marketing book by Jon Reed, he states that email marketing is not just for sales, but to build relationships, encourage repeat business, acquire new customers and persuade people to buy.  I plan on utilizing all these strategies to be a useful source of information and provide product ideas for customers.  


  1. a bi weekly newsletter sounds great for your business. I like all of your topic ideas! I think its a great idea to include tips and tricks for better utilizing your product and services.

  2. Very interesting topics in the newsletter Mark! I think adding about different types of wood or trending stories about wood industry would be appealing if added to this list. Good job!

  3. Bi-weekly is a great way to keep them engaged, I think thats just enough before you start to annoy your clients.


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