Week 10A: Getting Personal on a Blog

I will be wearing a lot of hats while starting my business making laser and handcrafted signs and displays.  While making these items, I will also be putting in time for blogging, social media and other marketing.  Since I am the face of the brand and not working for a corporation with a script, being personal I believe will work out in my favor.  I do not plan on talking all about my personal life, but I will put in my personal opinions and character a bit to take away the one direction communication tactic and try to encourage a conversation.  While speaking at a more personal level, readers can get familiar with who I am and the culture of the business.  Making them comfortable and at ease so that they can approach my business with more confidence.  Building trust and talking like an expert can help them take the next step.

When I am personal, I can not only talk about industry information, but perhaps other things that are going on at the shop, that might not have to do directly with my products, customers can get another view into the way I work.  This human interest can appeal to people emotions to let them know that there is a real person on the other side, here waiting to hear their concerns, question, comments and more that potential customers or followers will have.  I plan to regularly post on the blog from various topics related to, and not so related to my products, while engaging them with relevant information and images that I think can be of interest and create some buzz. 


  1. Great stuff! I think that you have the right approach in regards to your content especially for a small business. Using the the human interest pieces in conjunction with your industry knowledge will make a great read as well as creating confidence in your business.

  2. Good pointers, as to when it would be best to give details into personal life and when not to. I think you've mentioned good balance of communication on various topics through this post as well.

  3. Mark, I agree with your statement that you will be keeping personal life out of your business venture. Sharing opinions, thoughts, and feelings to generate open forum is far more effective method. Discussing multiple topics will build trust with your customers, and give them incentive to follow your blog.


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