Week 12A: Other Social Media

Additional online marketing tools I think that can benefit my business are LinkedIn and Google +.  I may also consider Yelp and Groupon, but as a business to business owner, the first two are more likely to be the best fit.  LinkedIn, as mentioned in the Get up to Speed with Online Marketing book by Jon Reed, states that LinkedIn is especially important for B2B businesses.  There I can make connections with other business people and owners.  This is my target audience so that medium will be a must for Mill Works.  Being right in the middle of networking for people that may be seeking my products is possibly the best social media forum even over Facebook and Twitter.  I will experimenting with all of them to see which one yields the best return.

Google+ as mentioned on this website notes that it is good for B2B networking and is a bit more formal and professional than Facebook.  Another appeal is the keywords and search engine optimization on Google+ and the fact that so many people are using it.  I can use this for my business to show product images and link to content on my own website, to add more inbound links and to add more online presence and coverage to the many online outlets.  I would like to have a better search ranking and apparently using Google will help that somewhat.

As far as Yelp and Groupon, I see those tools as more for retail or consumer product uses.  I will have to see how other B2B organizations are utilizing these tools and how they may work for my business.  At the moment, I will be running my business out of my well equipped garage, so Google maps may not be necessary to show my location.  I would like for people to order through my website or place orders over the phone.  I will have to meet directly with customers at their place of business for more personalized service until I can operate out of an industrial space.


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