Week 12B: Other Social Media

Looking through LinkedIn and Google+ I find that groups and "communities" I Google+ are a great way to interact with likeminded people and business owners.  Using these features will be a must for my business, especially since I am a business to business, making other business contacts through groups can only help. 

Of course I have to provide useful and relevant information and ideas, I am interested in looking for topics of interest that I can add my thoughts to.  Finding groups and making my own look easy on each of the mediums.  LinkedIn, with one click allows me to find groups that I may be interested in joining based on my interests.  It goes right to those groups without me having to go searching for them.  That is a good start, however I will spend some time finding others.  I would join my industry groups, but other groups that I think would be a target market, maybe to offer insight and useful information about signage and branding logos.

After reviewing Yelp again, I looked up some competitors, and realized most of them are on Yelp.  Being on Yelp could be a good or bad thing.  One of my competitors that I thought for sure had a five star rating had a four star.  One customer that was actually handled quite well by my competitor made sure that they were still upset with their one star rating.  Other competitors had either five stars or one starts.  All it takes is one imperfect experience and your ratings and image can be tarnished.  I will have to do some searching and learning about Yelp to see if it is a good fit.  Not being on Yelp may also send a bad message.  Lots of potential customers could in fact use Yelp as their number one source to find what they need, and if I am not on there they may think I have something to hide or am not up to date.  This will definitely make me rethink my customer service, and provide service they gets it right at almost all costs, even if a full refund is in needed.


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