Week 13A: Online Advertising

Trying find similar businesses advertising was difficult to find.  I do remember the Office Sign Company was for a short while showing up on my feed on Facebook with ads for specific signs they made.  Another company that I cannot recall the name would show You Tube commercials almost every time I wanted to watch something.  They offered advice on how to mount a sign so that it can be moved if the business moved instead of sticking it to the wall.  I thought the advice may be handy for some business.  The video and narrator was a bit amateur which can be less effective.  Other than that I have not come across any competitor ads even while trying to look for them.  I found it to be difficult to find ads and advertising they use.  I will have to come back and add to this post if I come across more information on advertising.

After reviewing ads from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram most or all of the ads had some sort of call to action.  Some tabs call to actions included: get 20% off, learn more, shop now, sign up, buy, donate, get tickets.  Some would ask a question, and then the ad would offer an answer to the question if you clicked on the link to take them to their site.  Most used video, and the rest used bold imagery that for the most part all got my attention to some extent.  A lot of the ads are within my interest since I likely was targeted demographically or some other criteria.  I did look at some of the ads, but I did not click on the call to action.  I think they are effective someone to at least introduce me to a new thing or remind me of something I have seen before.

With traditional advertising it is more of a one way message that gets broadcast to a wide variety of recipients and is harder to measure results.  The advertising costs and budgets are usually way beyond what I can afford.  With social media, I can pinpoint my target market with almost pinpoint accuracy by selecting the target criteria in Facebook and even LinkedIn.  With that, I can narrow the focus to more qualified potential customers to fewer contact which costs a lot less.  That way I can pick my product, the target market and create a marketing mix that is diverse and tailored specifically to my market without adding more to the noisy advertising field.


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